Industry Best Safety Inspection - Zero Deficiencies
U.S. DOT#: 1016691 MC/MX#: 428040 |
Investigation Date: 03/04/2022 |
Investigation Type: Onsite Comprehensive Investigation |
Location of Investigation: Company principal place of business (PPOB) Extent of Operations: Entire Operation |
Physical Address |
Mailing Address |
18 NEW LIFE DRIVE RUCKERSVILLE, VA 22968 United States |
18 NEW LIFE DRIVE RUCKERSVILLE, VA 22968 United States |
Contact Information |
Contact Name: DAN GOFF Email: Phone: (434)979-5466 Cell: ( )- Fax: (888)977-7731 |
Business and Financial |
Business Type: Limited Liability Corporation Name of Gross Revenue Provider: Dan Goff Title of Gross Revenue Provider: General Manager Gross Revenue: $2,622,257.00 For Year Ending: 12/31/2021 Federal Tax ID: 54-2006630 (EIN) |
Operation Classification and Type |
Cargo |
Type of Operation: Non-HM Interstate Carrier Operation Classification For-Hire Motor Carrier Passengers Motor coach (A vehicle designed for long distance transportation of passengers.) |
Passengers |
Equipment |
Driver Information |
Owned |
Term Leased |
Trip Leased |
Drivers |
Mini-Bus 16+ |
7 |
Intrastate |
Interstate |
Motor Coach |
4 |
10 |
< 100 Miles |
4 |
Van 9-15 |
2 |
>= 100 Miles |
25 |
Power units used in the U.S.: 23 Percentage of time used in the U.S.: 100% |
Average trip leased driver/month: 0 Drivers with CDL: 25 Total Drivers: 29 |
Person(s) Interviewed |
Name: DAN GOFF |
Title: GM |
Questions |
Questions about this report or the Federal Motor Carrier |
400 N. 8th Street, Suite 780, Richmond, VA 23219-4827 |
Safety or Hazardous Materials regulations may be |
Richmond, VA 23219-4827 |
addressed to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety |
Phone: (804) 771-8690 |
Administration at: |
Fax: (804) 771-8670 |
This report will be used to assess your safety compliance. |
Safety Fitness Rating
Your proposed safety rating is: SATISFACTORY 0 UNSATISFACTORY rating factors and 2 or fewer CONDITIONAL rating factors. Corrective actions must be taken for any violations (deficiencies) identified in this report. See below for more information. |
Factor 1: General = Parts 387 and 390 |
Satisfactory |
0 |
0 |
Factor 2: Driver = Parts 382, 383 and, 391 |
Satisfactory |
0 |
0 |
Factor 3: Operational = Parts 392 and 395 |
Satisfactory |
0 |
0 |
Factor 4: Vehicle = Parts 393 and 396 OOS Vehicles (CR): 0 Number of Vehicles Inspected (CR): 5 OOS Vehicles (MCMIS): 0 Number of Vehicles Inspected (MCMIS): 0 OOS Rate: 0% |
Satisfactory |
Factor 5: Haz. Mat. = Parts 397, 171, 177 and, 180 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Factor 6: Accident Factor = Recordable Rate Total Miles Operated: 365,683 Recordable Accidents: 0 Recordable Accidents/Million Miles: 0.00 |
Satisfactory |
N/A |
N/A |
You must take corrective actions for any violations (deficiencies) identified in the Violations section of this report.
Process Breakdown and Remedies
Additional Information
Please visit the CSA outreach site for additional guidance:
Ensure that all drivers' logs are accurate.
Ensure that all drivers' records of duty status (logs) are accurate. Check them against "supporting documents" to verify accuracy. Prohibit falsification of logs by any driver. Review the rules on supporting documents. Take appropriate action against drivers who falsify logs.
Guide to understanding Federal safety regulations is available at website
FMCSA's "MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY PLANNER" is a free online guide with forms and documents that can help you better understand and comply with safety regulations. Check:
Who do I call?
For questions about DOT numbers or biennial updates: 800-832-5660 or 703-280-4001 For questions about licensing, authority or MC numbers: 202-366-9805
For questions about insurance: 202-385-2423
For household goods complaints: 888-DOT-SAFT (888-368-7238)
Provide pre-trip safety information to motorcoach passengers
Provide pre-trip safety information to motorcoach passengers. For information about the Basic Plan for Motorcoach Passenger Safety Awareness that was published by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, go to the Agency s Web site at:
Required Recommendations
Understand Why Compliance Saves Time and Money: Compliance with FMCSRs will not only save lives, but also saves your business time and money. Tracking how much your business spends on non-compliance activities can help you understand the many benefits of compliance to your business and why safety is good business.
Document and Follow Through on Action Plans: Document and follow through on action plans to ensure the actions you are taking are creating improvement in safety management and compliance.
NOTICE: A pattern and/or repeated violations of the same or related acute or critical regulations (violations of the same Part in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations) will cause the maximum penalties allowed by law to be assessed under Section 222 of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 (MCSIA). A pattern of violations means two or more violations of acute and/or critical regulations in three or more Parts of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations discovered during any eligible investigation.
Repeated violations mean violation(s) of an acute regulation of the same Part of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations discovered in an investigation after one or more closed enforcement actions within a six-year period and/or violation(s) of a critical regulation in the same Part of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations discovered in an investigation after two or more closed enforcement actions within a six-year period.
NOTICE: 49 CFR Part 391.23 requires prospective employers to, at a minimum, investigate a driver s employment information, crash record, and alcohol and controlled substances history from all employers the driver worked for within the previous 3 years. The Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) is a screening tool that assists motor carriers in investigating crash history and roadside safety performance of prospective drivers. The PSP allows motor carriers to purchase 5 years of crash data and 3 years of roadside inspection data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration s (FMCSA) Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Records are available 24 hours a day via Web request. Motor carriers should visit the following website for more information:
All motor carriers and truck drivers are needed to fight against terrorism and hijacking. You could be a target. Protect yourself, your trucks, your cargo, and your facilities. Discuss with your employees/drivers the "Security Measures for Truck Drivers and Companies" which were provided and reviewed with motor carrier official. Motor carriers should visit the following website for more information: For all Investigations that could result in a Notice of Claim:
PLEASE NOTE: The violations discovered during this compliance review may affect the civil penalty proposed in any subsequent Notice of Claim. In addition, your history of prior violations of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, Federal Hazardous Material Regulations or the Federal Motor Carrier Commercial Regulations may also affect the civil penalty proposed in any subsequent Notice of Claim. Receipt of this report acknowledges your understanding that the violations discovered by the FMCSA during this review may be used to calculate any civil penalty proposed as a result of this review.
Attached to this report is Table 1, which identifies all the documented violations which were discovered during the course of this review.
For all Investigations resulting in serious violations:
Serious violations were recorded on this investigation report. These violations will impact your safety record. Furthermore, these violations may result in a follow-up investigation at a later date unless adequate evidence of corrective action is forwarded to our office:
Division Administrator/State Director Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Virginia Division
400 N. 8th Street Suite 780
Richmond, Virginia 23219-4827
For all Investigations where the carrier has been involved in 2 or more recordable crashes:
The Division Administrator/State Director will continue to consider preventability when a motor carrier contests a proposed safety fitness rating. The motor carrier may deem that the recordable accident rate is not a fair means of evaluating its accident factor (Factor 6) on the CR report. If so, the motor carrier must submit the compelling evidence within seven calendar days if the proposed rating is Unsatisfactory and 10 calendar days if the proposed rating is Conditional to:
Division Administrator/State Director Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Virginia Division
400 N. 8th Street Suite 780
Richmond, Virginia 23219-4827
Compelling evidence must be limited to official police accident reports and official insurance accident investigation reports. For all Investigations resulting in a proposed conditional or unsatisfactory rating:
385.15 If you believe the proposed rating is in error and there are factual and procedural issues in dispute, Part 385.15 (copy provided) outlines procedures for petitioning the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for an administrative review of these findings. Your petition should be addressed to:
Chief Safety Officer
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
Washington, DC 20590
In addition, a request for a revised rating based on corrective actions may be made at any time. Part 385.17 (copy provided) outlines the procedures for such a request. The request must be made in writing, must describe the corrective action taken and must include other documentation that may be relied upon as a basis for the requested change. Address your written request to:
Field Administrator
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Eastern Service Center
31 Hopkins Plaza, Suite 800
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Ensure that a CC copy of the letter is mailed to:
Division Administrator/State Director FMCSA, Virginia Division
400 North 8th Street Suite 780
Richmond, Virginia 23219-4827
This letter should be submitted as soon as possible. For all investigations with violations recorded in Part B.
If you believe the violations recorded in Part B of this investigation were an error, you may submit a Request for Data Review (RDR) through DataQs. The DataQs system is the most effective way to remove violations on the investigation report that did not affect your safety rating data. DataQs is an online system that allows a motor carrier or driver to request and track a review of Federal and State issued data that it believes to be incomplete or incorrect. To submit an RDR, go to
For all Investigations resulting in a proposed unsatisfactory rating:
Passenger & Placardable HM Carriers: This review will result in a Proposed Safety Rating. The findings indicate you are currently
operating at an unsatisfactory level of safety compliance. A written notice of proposed unsatisfactory rating will be sent to you by the FMCSA via U.S. Mail. If you fail to obtain an improved rating within 45 days of the date that notice is sent, the unsatisfactory rating will become final and you must cease interstate operations.
Information on your compliance status, roadside inspections, regulatory changes, accident countermeasures and hazardous material incident prevention manual is available on the Internet at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's web site at and
All Other Motor Carriers: This review will result in a Proposed Safety Rating. The findings indicate you are currently operating at an unsatisfactory level of safety compliance. A written notice of proposed unsatisfactory rating will be sent to you by the FMCSA via
U.S. Mail. If you fail to obtain an improved rating within 60 days of the date that notice is sent, the unsatisfactory rating will become final and you must cease interstate operations.
Information on your compliance status, roadside inspections, regulatory changes, accident countermeasures and hazardous material incident prevention manual is available on the Internet at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's web site at and
Virginia Code
Pursuant to Virginia Code § 46.2-609, DMV may suspend or revoke the vehicle registration of vehicles associated with a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration out-of-service order. Generally, DMV will revoke the registration and repossess the license plates of vehicles operated by a carrier subject to a safety-related FMCSA out-of-service order. Should your vehicle registration be revoked, the vehicle’s license plates cannot be reactivated and registration fee